GE&O - Geothermal Database of Jordan
The Royal Court of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan commissioned MAWARED as National Resources Investment and Development Corporation to investigate and to evaluate the possibilities to stimulate the exploitation of the geothermal resources of the country GE&O (Karlsruhe, Germany) acts on behalf of MAWARED as independent scientific counsellor. The project, which is financially supported by the Royal Fund for Scientific Research (SRF) has been approved by the Cabinet. It enjoys national priority.GE&O created a geothermal-database for whole Jordan, which held all necessary information to calculate the geothermal potential for any place in Jordan. GE&O therefore gathered and summarized all the existing geodata from different sources and developed a model of heat distribution and forecast models of exploration and exploitation. In additional GE&O proposed three pilot project of different design and purposes with the aim of a short term technical implementation.
The Geo-spa combines a conventional geothermal power plant with a balneologic plant and a warm fish breeding ponds. The DHDC equips schools in Jordan with a heating and cooling system in order to offer a better study environment. The small scale power plant can only be realized with supercritical CO2 as a circulation medium, which is top end technology.
The report was finally handed over on March 15th, 2016 to the Royal Court. GE&O is looking forward to the already prepared further projects such as data verification or in-situ measurements.
Person in charge of GE&O is chief geologist Dr. Hennes Obermeyer
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Follow the link below to visit the Geothermal Webmap of Jordan.
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